

case sensitivity Looking at the information in a table
Selecting rows from a table
character data types The SYSCOLUMNS table
code editor Viewing stored procedure code with Sybase Central
columns : about Database tables
Looking at the information in a table
columns : adding Creating tables and adding columns in Sybase Central
columns : drag and drop Dragging a column to a new table using Sybase Central
columns : list of Function keys
columns : ordering Selecting columns from a table
columns : primary key Editing existing tables using the table editor
columns : selecting from a table Selecting columns from a table
command files : building Entering multiple statements
command files : Command window Entering multiple statements
command files : executing Saving statements as command files
command files : overview Entering multiple statements
command files : parameters Command files with parameters
command files : recording Saving statements as command files
Command window : Interactive SQL Entering commands
commands : editing in Interactive SQL Command recall
commands : executing in Interactive SQL Entering commands
commands : getting Entering multiple statements
commands : getting in Interactive SQL Entering commands
commands : interrupting in Interactive SQL Canceling an Interactive SQL command
commands : loading Entering multiple statements
commands : loading in Interactive SQL Entering commands
commands : previous Command recall
commands : recalling in Interactive SQL Command recall
commands : saving in Interactive SQL Entering commands
commands : stopping in Interactive SQL Canceling an Interactive SQL command
comments : about Executing command files
COMMIT statement : about Making changes permanent
comparisons : about Selecting rows from a table
Comparing dates in queries
comparisons : using subqueries Comparisons using subqueries
compound search conditions Compound search conditions in the WHERE clause
computed fields, adding to reports Add a count of the total number of contacts
conditions Pattern matching in search conditions
conditions : GROUP BY clause Restricting groups
conditions : search Selecting rows from a table
Comparing dates in queries
Short cuts for typing search conditions
CONNECT statement : example Using views for security
connecting to Adaptive Server Anywhere : from PowerDynamo Create a connection profile
Connection Profiles : creating for PowerDynamo Create a connection profile
connections : from Sybase Central Connecting to a database from Sybase Central
connections : sample database Connecting to the sample database from Interactive SQL
consolidated databases : setting up Setting up the consolidated database
containers Viewing a database schema
controls in forms Add buttons to the form
conventions : documentation Documentation conventions
correlated subqueries : defined Using subqueries instead of joins
correlation names : about Restricting a join
correlation names : defined Using subqueries instead of joins
COUNT function CHAPTER 14. Obtaining Aggregate Data
A first look at aggregate functions
Using aggregate functions to obtain grouped data
counts, adding to reports Add a count of the total number of contacts
CREATE VIEW statement : about Defining a view
creating : groups Adding a group to the database
creating : publications Add publications and subscriptions
creating : subscriptions Add publications and subscriptions
creating : users Adding a user to the database
cross product : joins Joining tables with the cross product
Ctrl key : UNIX alternative Function keys for UNIX Interactive SQL
CURRENT PUBLISHER Add the publisher to the database