

name spaces : indexes Ensuring compatible object names
name spaces : triggers Ensuring compatible object names
named pipes : about Using Named Pipes
NamedPipes : transport protocol The transport layer
NamedPipes protocol : starting Selecting communications protocols
namespace : Java How memory is used
naming and nesting savepoints Savepoints within transactions
national language support : about CHAPTER 12. Database Collations and International Languages
national language support : collations Choosing a database collation
national language support : multibyte character sets Using multibyte collations
national language support : overview Introduction
natural joins Natural joins
natural joins : FROM clause Natural joins
NDIS : compatibility Working with multiple protocol stacks
NDIS : drivers Ensure that you have current drivers
NDIS : network communication The data link layer
negative permissions : about Controlling the tasks users can perform
nesting and naming savepoints Savepoints within transactions
net.cfg file Tuning IPX performance
A checklist of common problems
NetBEUI : transport protocol The transport layer
NetBIOS : about Using the NetBIOS protocol
NetBIOS : OS/2 Using NetBIOS with OS/2
NetBIOS : transport protocol The transport layer
NetBIOS : troubleshooting Testing a NetBIOS protocol stack
NetBIOS : Windows 95 Using IPX with Windows 95
NetBIOS : Windows for Workgroups Using IPX with Windows for Workgroups
NetBIOS : Windows NT Using NetBIOS with Windows NT
NetBIOS protocol : starting Selecting communications protocols
NetWare : bindery Using the IPX protocol
NetWare : database server Platform-specific instructions
Platform-specific instructions
NetWare : net.cfg file Tuning IPX performance
NetWare : network adapter settings A checklist of common problems
NetWare : performance Tuning IPX performance
NetWare : protocol stacks Common protocol stacks
network : encryption Encrypting client/server communications
network adapters : configuring Configuring your network adapter board
network adapters : drivers Ensure that you have current drivers
network adapters : network communication The physical layer
network communications : troubleshooting startup Ensure that network communication software is running
Debugging network communications startup problems
network connections : switch Selecting communications protocols
network layer : about The network layer
network protocols : about CHAPTER 26. Client/Server Communications
network protocols : application layer The application layer
network protocols : compatibility Compatible protocol stacks
network protocols : complications Real world protocol stacks
network protocols : data link layer The data link layer
network protocols : layers Network communication concepts
network protocols : multiple stacks Working with multiple protocol stacks
network protocols : network adapters Configuring your network adapter board
network protocols : network layer The network layer
network protocols : OSI Reference Model The protocol stack
network protocols : physical layer The physical layer
network protocols : stack compatibility How information is passed across a network
network protocols : supported Supported network protocols
network protocols : transport layer The transport layer
network protocols : troubleshooting Troubleshooting network communications
network server : about Introduction
network server : connecting to Connecting to a server on a network
Network Transport Services/2 Using NetBIOS with OS/2
networks.wri file Using IPX with Windows for Workgroups
new databases Adding new databases to a service
NLMs : calling from procedures Calling external libraries from procedures
No scroll cursors : about Types of cursor
NOHOLDLOCK keyword : ignored Writing compatible queries
non-dirty reads Tutorial 1: The dirty read
non-repeatable read : example Tutorial 2 - The non-repeatable read
non-repeatable reads Three typical types of inconsistency
Tutorial 2 - The non-repeatable read
Selecting at isolation level 1
Selecting at isolation level 2
non-repeatable reads : isolation levels Isolation levels and consistency
How Adaptive Server Anywhere implements locking
nonexclusive locks The four types of locks
The four types of locks
The four types of locks
normal forms : first normal form Step 3: Normalize the data
normal forms : normalizing database designs Step 3: Normalize the data
normal forms : second normal form Step 3: Normalize the data
normal forms : third normal form Step 3: Normalize the data
normalization Joins and the relational model
not equal to : comparison operator Using comparison operators in the WHERE clause
Using comparison operators in the WHERE clause
not greater than : comparison operator Using comparison operators in the WHERE clause
NOT keyword : search conditions Using comparison operators in the WHERE clause
NOT keyword : using Connecting conditions with logical operators
not less than : comparison operator Using comparison operators in the WHERE clause
Notes : remote data access Lotus Notes SQL 2.0 (2.04.0203))
Novell client software Ensure that you have current drivers
NULL : aggregate functions Aggregate functions and NULL
NULL : DISTINCT clause Eliminating duplicate query results
NULL : Java Using defaults and NULL on Java columns
NULL value : allowing in columns Choosing data types for columns
NULL value : column default Setting options for Transact-SQL compatibility
NULL value : default The NULL default
NULL value : output NULL value output
NULL values : about Unknown Values: NULL
NULL values : column definition Properties of NULL
NULL values : comparing Testing a column for NULL
NULL values : default parameters Testing a column for NULL
NULL values : sort order The ORDER BY clause: sorting query results
NULL values : Transact-SQL outer joins How NULL affects Transact-SQL joins
null-supplying table : outer joins Transact-SQL left-outer joins
NULLS option : Interactive SQL NULL value output
nwcalls.dll Using IPX with Windows 3.x
nwipcspx.dll Using IPX with Windows 3.x
NWLink IPX/SPX Compatible Transport Using IPX with Windows NT