I/O : estimates | Providing estimates to improve query performance |
I/O : idle | How the database decides when to checkpoint |
IBM : protocol stacks | Common protocol stacks |
IBM DB2 : remote data access | Server class db2odbc |
icons : for running services | Setting the account options |
icons : used in manuals | Graphic icons |
identifiers : case insensitivity | International aspects of case sensitivity |
identifiers : case sensitivity | Case-sensitivity |
identifiers : definition of | Entities |
identifiers : international aspects | International aspects of case sensitivity |
identifiers : qualifying | Entering queries |
identifiers : uniqueness | Ensuring compatible object names |
IDENTITY column | The special IDENTITY column |
identity column : retrieving values | Retrieving IDENTITY Column Values with @@identity |
idle I/O : task | How the database decides when to checkpoint |
IF statement : syntax | Control statements |
implementation of locking | How Adaptive Server Anywhere implements locking |
import statement : Java | A Java glossary Use of import statements |
import statement : jConnect | The jConnect driver files |
importing data : about | Importing data into a database |
importing data : conversion errors | Handling conversion errors on data import |
importing data : INPUT statement | Importing data using the Interactive SQL INPUT statement |
importing data : interactively | Loading data interactively |
importing data : LOAD TABLE statement | Loading data using the LOAD TABLE statement |
importing data : overview | Import and export overview |
importing data : performance | Tuning bulk loading of data |
importing data : temporary tables | Loading data that does not match the table structure |
IN keyword | Using lists in the WHERE clause |
IN keyword : CREATE TABLE statement | Using additional dbspaces |
IN keyword : matching lists | Using lists in the WHERE clause |
inconsistencies : avoiding using locks | How locking works |
inconsistencies : dirty read | Using locks to ensure consistency |
inconsistencies : dirty reads | Three typical types of inconsistency Selecting at isolation level 0 Selecting at isolation level 1 |
inconsistencies : effects of unserializable schedules | Correctness |
inconsistencies : ISO SQL/92 standard | Three typical types of inconsistency |
inconsistencies : typical | Typical inconsistencies |
inconsistencies dirty reads | Tutorial 1: The dirty read |
inconsistencies non-repeatable reads | Three typical types of inconsistency Tutorial 2 - The non-repeatable read Selecting at isolation level 1 Selecting at isolation level 2 |
inconsistency | Using locks to ensure consistency |
inconsistency : example of non-repeatable read | Tutorial 2 - The non-repeatable read |
incremental backups : defined | Backing up your database |
incremental backups : performing | Performing an incremental backup |
indexes : benefits and locking | Reducing the impact of locking |
indexes : composite | The effect of column order in a composite index |
indexes : composite, hash values | Hash values |
indexes : creating | Using indexes to improve query performance |
indexes : hash values | Hash values |
indexes : how indexes work | How indexes work |
indexes : improving concurrency | Special optimizations |
indexes : inspecting | Indexes in the system tables |
indexes : Java | Using computed columns with Java classes |
indexes : Java columns | Comparing Java objects |
indexes : Java values | How Java objects are stored |
indexes : optimization and | Indexes |
indexes : performance | Use indexes effectively Using indexes to improve query performance |
indexes : selection of during optimization | Index selection |
indexes : Transact-SQL | Ensuring compatible object names |
indexes : working with | Working with indexes |
inner joins : FROM clause | Inner, left-outer, and right-outer joins |
INPUT statement : about | Importing data using the Interactive SQL INPUT statement |
INPUT statement : interactive | Loading data interactively |
Insensitive cursors : about | Types of cursor |
INSERT permissions | Granting permissions on tables and views |
INSERT statement | Using the LTM |
INSERT statement : about | Adding data using INSERT Loading data interactively |
INSERT statement : IDENTITY columns and | Inserting values into specific columns |
INSERT statement : Java | Inserting Java objects |
INSERT statement : JDBC | Inserts, updates, and deletes using JDBC Passing arguments to Java methods |
INSERT statement : locking during | Locking during inserts |
INSERT statement : objects | Inserting and retrieving objects |
INSERT statement : performance | Preparing statements |
INSERT statement : SELECT | Adding data using INSERT |
Inspection window : Java debugger | The debugger windows |
INSTALL statement : class versions | Java objects and class versions |
INSTALL statement : introduction | User-defined classes |
INSTALL statement : using | Installing a class |
installation directory : about | Installed files |
installation programs : deploying | Ways to distribute files |
instance methods : about | Instance methods and class methods |
instances : Java classes | Object oriented and procedural languages |
instantiated : definition | Object oriented and procedural languages |
INT connection parameter : about | Connection parameters |
Integrated connection parameter : about | Connection parameters |
integrated logins : about | Using integrated logins |
integrated logins : creating | Enabling the integrated login feature |
integrated logins : default user | Creating a default integrated login user |
integrated logins : network aspects | Network aspects of integrated logins |
integrated logins : operating systems | Using integrated logins |
integrated logins : security | Security concerns: unrestricted database access Setting temporary public options for added security |
integrated logins : security features | Controlling database access |
integrated logins : using | Using integrated logins Connecting from a client application |
integrity : constraints | SQL statements for implementing integrity constraints Using table and column constraints |
integrity : of data | CHAPTER 14. Ensuring Data Integrity |
integrity : of data using locks | Using locks to ensure consistency |
integrity : overview | Data integrity overview |
Interactive SQL : AUTO_COMMIT option | Using transactions |
Interactive SQL : command delimiter | Check if you need to change the command delimiter |
Interactive SQL : COMMIT_ON_EXIT option | Using transactions |
Interactive SQL : deploying | Deploying database utilities and Interactive SQL |
Interactive SQL : effect of exiting | Using transactions |
Interactive SQL : erasing databases | Erasing a database |
Interactive SQL : statistics window | Using Interactive SQL to examine query performance |
Interactive SQL : using | Using Interactive SQL to work with database objects |
interface libraries : connections | Introduction to connections |
interface libraries : locating | Locating the interface library |
interfaces : Java | A Java glossary |
interfaces file : configuring | The interfaces file |
interfaces file : Open Servers | Set up the Open Servers in your system |
interference : dirty reads | Using locks to ensure consistency |
interference between transactions | Transaction blocking Locking conflicts |
interleaving transactions | Correctness |
INTO clause : using | Returning results as procedure parameters |
invalid data : types of | How data can become invalid |
IP address : about | Adding or changing the server address |
IP address : ping | Testing a TCP/IP protocol stack |
IPX : about | The network layer Using the IPX protocol |
IPX : NetWare | Tuning IPX performance |
IPX : OS/2 | Using IPX with OS/2 |
IPX : Windows | Using IPX with Windows 3.x |
IPX : Windows 95 | Using IPX with Windows 95 |
IPX : Windows for Workgroups | Using IPX with Windows for Workgroups |
IPX : Windows NT | Using IPX with Windows NT |
IPX protocol : starting | Selecting communications protocols |
IPX/SPX Compatible Transport | Using IPX with Windows for Workgroups |
IR! settings : network adapters | Configuring your network adapter board |
IS NULL keyword | Properties of NULL |
ISNULL function : about | Properties of NULL |
ISO SQL/92 standard : concurrency | Three typical types of inconsistency |
ISO SQL/92 standard : typical inconsistencies and | Three typical types of inconsistency |
isolation level : applications | Controlling the isolation level |
isolation levels | How locking works |
isolation levels : about | Isolation levels and consistency |
isolation levels : and ODBC | Setting the isolation level from an ODBC-enabled application |
isolation levels : avoiding lost transactions | Transactions for which no updates are lost |
isolation levels : changing | Setting the isolation level |
isolation levels : changing within a transaction | Changing the isolation level within a transaction |
isolation levels : choosing | Understanding and choosing isolation levels |
isolation levels : choosing types of locking | Tutorial 2 - The non-repeatable read |
isolation levels : definition | Isolation levels and consistency |
isolation levels : implementation at level 0 | Selecting at isolation level 0 |
isolation levels : implementation at level 1 | Selecting at isolation level 1 |
isolation levels : implementation at level 2 | Selecting at isolation level 2 |
isolation levels : implementation at level 3 | Selecting at isolation level 3 |
isolation levels : setting default | Setting the isolation level |
isolation levels : versus typical inconsistencies | Isolation levels and consistency Tutorial 3 - A phantom row Tutorial 4 - Practical locking implications How Adaptive Server Anywhere implements locking |
isolation levels : versus typical transactions | Typical transactions at various isolation levels |
ISOLATION_LEVEL option : Open Client | Characteristics of Open Client and jConnect connections |
ISO_1 collation : about | Supplied ANSI collations |