sample database : about | The sample database |
sample database : Java | Installing the Java examples |
SAVEPOINT statement : and transactions | Savepoints within transactions |
savepoints : cursors | Cursors and transactions |
savepoints : nesting and naming | Savepoints within transactions |
savepoints : procedures and triggers | Transactions and savepoints in procedures and triggers |
savepoints : within transactions | Savepoints within transactions |
saving transaction results | Using transactions |
SA_DEBUG group : Java debugger | Requirements for using the Java debugger |
scalar aggregates | Where you can use aggregate functions |
scan factor | Selectivity estimation |
scan_retry parameter | Configure and start the Adaptive Server Anywhere LTM |
schedules | Correctness |
schedules : definition of serializable | Correctness |
schedules : effects of serializability | Correctness |
schedules : effects of unserializable | Correctness |
schedules : serializable versus early release of locks | Early release of read locks—an exception |
schedules : two-phase locking | Two-phase locking |
scheduling of transactions | Correctness |
scope : Java | A Java glossary |
Scroll cursors : about | Types of cursor |
scrollable cursors : support | Fetching with scrollable cursors |
security : about | CHAPTER 21. Managing User IDs and Permissions CHAPTER 22. Keeping Your Data Secure |
security : auditing | Auditing database activity Turning on auditing Retrieving audit information |
security : database server | Security tips Running the database server in a secure fashion |
security : encryption | Encrypting client/server communications |
security : integrated logins | Security concerns: unrestricted database access Setting temporary public options for added security Controlling database access |
security : overview | Security features overview |
security : passwords | Increasing password security |
security : procedures | Benefits of procedures and triggers Granting permissions on procedures Using views and procedures for extra security |
security : server command line | Security features overview |
security : services | Setting the account options |
security : system functions | Security tips |
security : tips | Security tips |
security : utility database | Utility database server security |
security : views | Using views and procedures for extra security |
seialization : Java objects | How Java objects are stored |
select list : about | The SELECT clause: specifying columns |
select list : UNION operation | The UNION operation: combining queries |
select list : UNION statements | The UNION operation: combining queries |
SELECT permissions | Granting permissions on tables and views |
SELECT statement | CHAPTER 4. Queries: Selecting Data from a Table |
SELECT statement : about | CHAPTER 4. Queries: Selecting Data from a Table |
SELECT statement : character data | Character strings and quotation marks |
SELECT statement : choosing rows | Query overview |
SELECT statement : column headings | Renaming columns using aliases in query results |
SELECT statement : column order | Selecting specific columns from a table |
select statement : from clause | The FROM clause |
SELECT statement : INSERT from | Adding data using INSERT |
SELECT statement : INTO clause | Returning results as procedure parameters |
SELECT statement : Java | Querying Java objects |
SELECT statement : JDBC | Queries using JDBC |
SELECT statement : keys and query access | Using keys to improve query performance |
SELECT statement : objects | Inserting and retrieving objects |
SELECT statement : results | Query overview |
SELECT statement : returning results in a cursor | Cursor stability |
SELECT statement : specifying rows | The WHERE clause: specifying rows |
SELECT statement : strings in display | Character strings in query results |
SELECT statement : Transact-SQL | Writing compatible queries |
selectivity : default values | Default selectivity estimates |
selectivity : estimation of | Selectivity estimation |
selectivity : trouble shooting | Diagnosing and solving selectivity problems |
selectivity : user estimates of | User estimates |
selectivity estimates : user supplied | Providing estimates to improve query performance |
self-joins | Self-joins and correlation names |
self-joins : cross joins and | Self-joins and cross joins |
SELF_RECURSION option : Adaptive Server Enterprise | Transact-SQL trigger overview |
semicolon : command delimiter | Check if you need to change the command delimiter |
serializable schedules : definition | Correctness |
serializable schedules : effect of | Correctness |
serializable schedules : two-phase locking | Two-phase locking |
serializable schedules : versus early release of locks | Early release of read locks—an exception |
serialization : distributed computing | A sample distributed application |
serialization : objects | Implementing the Serializable interface |
serialization : objects in tables | Updating classes and Jars |
serializeable schedules : correctness | Correctness |
server address : DSEDIT | Adding or changing the server address |
server classes : about | Server classes |
server classes : asajdbc | Server class asajdbc |
server classes : asaodbc | Server class asaodbc |
server classes : asejdbc | Server class asejdbc |
server classes : aseodbc | Server class aseodbc |
server classes : db2odbc | Server class db2odbc |
server classes : defining | Remote table mappings |
server classes : msodbc | Server class mssodbc |
server classes : ODBC | ODBC-based server classes |
server classes : odbc | Server class odbc |
server classes : oraodbc | Server class oraodbc |
server information : asasrv.ini | Server name caching for faster connections |
server name : case sensitivity | Naming the server and the databases |
ServerName connection parameter : about | Connection parameters |
ServerName connection parameter : character sets | Connection parameters |
ServerPort option : introduction | Starting the database server as an Open Server |
servers : creating remote servers | Creating remote servers using Sybase Central |
services : about | Adding new databases to a service Starting, stopping, and pausing services Managing services |
services : account | Setting the account options |
services : adding | Managing services Adding a service |
services : adding new databases | Adding new databases to a service Adding new databases to a service |
services : command-line switches | Entering command-line switches |
services : configuring | Configuring services |
services : database server for Windows NT | Running the server outside the current session |
services : dependencies | Service dependencies Managing service dependencies |
services : eligible programs | Programs that can be run as Windows NT services |
services : executable file | Changing the executable file |
services : failure to start | Entering command-line switches |
services : groups | Service groups overview |
services : icon on the desktop | Setting the account options |
Services : managing | Managing services |
services : multiple | Running more than one service Possible problems running more than one server as a service |
services : options | Entering command-line switches |
services : parameters | Configuring services |
services : pausing | Starting, stopping, and pausing services |
services : removing | Managing services Removing a service |
services : security | Setting the account options |
services : service manager | The Windows NT Service Manager |
services : starting | Starting, stopping, and pausing services |
services : starting order | Managing service dependencies |
services : startup options | Setting the startup option |
services : stopping | Starting, stopping, and pausing services |
services : Windows NT Control Panel | The Windows NT Service Manager |
SET clause : UPDATE statement | Changing data using UPDATE |
SET DEFAULT action : about | Referential integrity actions |
SET NULL action : about | Referential integrity actions |
SET OPTION statement : Transact-SQL | Setting options for Transact-SQL compatibility |
setAutocommit method : about | Notes on JDBC connections |
setup script : about | Setting up the database for Replication Server |
setup script : preparing to run | Prepare to run the setup script |
setup script : running | Run the setup script |
shared versus exclusive locks | The four types of locks |
SIGNAL statement : procedures | Default error handling in procedures and triggers |
SIGNAL statement : Transact-SQL | Using the RAISERROR statement in procedures |
single-byte character sets : about | Single-byte character sets and code pages |
sort order : collations | CHAPTER 12. Database Collations and International Languages |
sort order : ORDER BY clause | The ORDER BY clause: sorting query results |
sorting : collation file | The collation sequence section |
sorting : with index | Sorting query results |
Source window : Java debugger | The Source window |
SPX : transport protocol | The transport layer |
sp_addgroup procedure : Transact-SQL | Users and groups |
sp_addlogin : support | Servers and databases |
sp_addlogin procedure : Transact-SQL | Users and groups |
sp_adduser procedure : Transact-SQL | Users and groups |
sp_bindefault procedure : Transact-SQL | Defaults and rules |
sp_bindrule procedure : Transact-SQL | Defaults and rules |
sp_changegroup procedure : Transact-SQL | Users and groups |
sp_dboption procedure : Transact-SQL | Setting options for Transact-SQL compatibility |
sp_dropgroup procedure : Transact-SQL | Users and groups |
sp_droplogin procedure : Transact-SQL | Users and groups |
sp_dropuser procedure : Transact-SQL | Users and groups |
sp_setreplicate procedure : about | Create the table for the primary database SQL Statements for controlling procedure replication |
sp_setrepproc procedure : about | SQL Statements for controlling procedure replication |
SQL : applications | CHAPTER 9. Using SQL in Applications |
SQL : Embedded SQL applications | Executing SQL statements in applications |
SQL : entering | Entering queries |
SQL : JDBC applications | Executing SQL statements in applications |
SQL : ODBC applications | Executing SQL statements in applications |
SQL : Open Client applications | Executing SQL statements in applications |
SQL Modeler : introduction | Tools for working with database objects |
SQL Remote : deploying | Deploying SQL Remote |
SQL Remote : Java objects | Java objects and class versions |
SQL Remote : purposes | Sybase replication technologies |
SQL Remote : remote data access | Features not supported for remote data |
SQL Remote : replicating and concurrent transactions | Replication and concurrency |
SQL Server : remote data access | Server class mssodbc |
sql.ini : configuring | The interfaces file |
sql.ini file | Set up the Open Servers in your system |
SQL/92 : GROUP BY clause | GROUP BY and the SQL/92 standard |
SQLBindParameter ODBC function : using | How to use prepared statements |
SQLCA.lock : selecting isolation levels | Setting the isolation level from an ODBC-enabled application |
SQLCA.lock : versus isolation levels | Isolation levels and consistency |
SQLCLIENT variable : QNX | Using QNX messages |
SQLCODE variable : introduction | Errors and warnings in procedures and triggers |
SQLCONNECT environment variable : connections | Connecting from Adaptive Server Anywhere utilities |
SQLDA : descriptors | Describing result sets |
SQLExecute ODBC function : using | How to use prepared statements |
SQLFreeStmt ODBC function : using | How to use prepared statements |
SQLLOCALE environment variable : about | Character set translation details The SQLLOCALE environment variable |
SQLPrepare ODBC function : using | How to use prepared statements |
SQLSTATE variable : introduction | Errors and warnings in procedures and triggers |
SQL_database parameter | Configure and start the Adaptive Server Anywhere LTM |
SQL_pw parameter | Configure and start the Adaptive Server Anywhere LTM |
SQL_server parameter | Configure and start the Adaptive Server Anywhere LTM |
SQL_user parameter | Configure and start the Adaptive Server Anywhere LTM |
stability of cursors | Cursor stability |
stability of cursors : definition of | Cursor stability |
standard error : redirecting to files | Using output redirection |
standard output : Java | Printing to the command line |
standard output : redirecting to files | Using output redirection |
star joins | Star joins |
Start connection parameter : about | Connection parameters |
START JAVA statement : using | How memory is used |
Start parameter : embedded databases | Connecting to an embedded database |
starting databases : jConnect | Specifying a database on a server |
starting transactions | Using transactions |
StartLine connection parameter : about | Connection parameters |
StartLine connection parameter : switches | Some common command-line switches |
statement-level triggers | Transact-SQL trigger overview |
statements : optimization | CHAPTER 25. Query Optimization |
static methods : about | Instance methods and class methods |
statistics : available | Monitoring database statistics from the Windows NT Performance Monitor |
statistics : displaying | Monitoring database statistics from the Windows NT Performance Monitor |
statistics : monitoring | Monitoring database performance |
Status window : Java debugger | The debugger windows |
STOP JAVA statement : using | How memory is used |
storage : Java objects | How Java objects are stored |
stored procedure language : overview | Transact-SQL procedure language overview |
stored procedures : Java | Returning result sets from Java methods |
stored procedures : security features | Security features overview |
strings : Java | Strings in Java and SQL |
strings : matching | Matching character strings in the WHERE clause |
strings : quotation marks | Character strings and quotation marks |
sub-queries : caching of | Subquery caching |
sub-queries : rewriting as EXISTS predicates | Rewriting sub-queries as exists predicates |
sub-transactions : and savepoints | Savepoints within transactions |
Subqueries : in keyword and | Using lists in the WHERE clause |
subquery transformations during optimization | Semantic query transformations |
subscriptions : creating | Create a subscription for your replication |
subscriptions : data replication and concurrency | Replication and concurrency |
subtransactions : procedures and triggers | Transactions and savepoints in procedures and triggers |
SUM function | Summarizing query results using aggregate functions |
summary values | The GROUP BY clause: organizing query results into groups |
summary values : about | CHAPTER 5. Summarizing, Grouping, and Sorting Query Results |
sun package : runtime classes | The Sybase runtime Java classes |
Sybase Central : adding users to groups | Granting group membership to users |
Sybase Central : allocating space | Preallocating space for database files |
Sybase Central : altering tables | Altering tables |
Sybase Central : and column defaults | Working with column defaults in Sybase Central |
Sybase Central : and permissions | Granting permissions on tables and views |
Sybase Central : column constraints | Working with column constraints in Sybase Central |
Sybase Central : creating dbspaces | Using additional dbspaces |
Sybase Central : creating groups | Creating groups |
Sybase Central : creating indexes | Working with indexes |
Sybase Central : creating tables | Creating tables |
Sybase Central : creating users | Creating new users |
Sybase Central : creating views | Creating views |
Sybase Central : dropping indexes | Working with indexes |
Sybase Central : dropping tables | Deleting tables |
Sybase Central : dropping views | Deleting views |
Sybase Central : erasing databases | Erasing a database |
Sybase Central : foreign keys | Creating primary and foreign keys |
Sybase Central : introduction | Sybase Central is the primary tool for working with database objects |
Sybase Central : managing services | Managing services |
Sybase Central : monitoring performance | Monitoring database statistics from Sybase Central |
Sybase Central : permissions | Granting permissions on procedures |
Sybase Central : primary keys | Creating primary and foreign keys |
Sybase Central : proxy tables | Creating proxy tables using Sybase Central |
Sybase Central : system tables | Table information in the system tables |
Sybase Central : translating procedures | Using Sybase Central to translate stored procedures |
SYBASE environment variable : dsedit | Opening a Directory Services session |
Sybase runtime Java classes | Sybase runtime Java classes |
Sybase runtime Java classes : about | Java-enabling a database |
sybase.sql package : runtime classes | The Sybase runtime Java classes |
sybping : using | Confirm the Open Servers are configured properly |
symbols : string comparisons | Matching character strings in the WHERE clause |
SYS group | Special groups |
SYSCOLAUTH view : permissions | Users and permissions in the system tables |
SYSCOLLATION table : collation files | The title line |
SYSCOLPERM table : permissions | Users and permissions in the system tables |
SYSCOLUMN table : integrity | Integrity rules in the system tables |
SYSCOLUMNS view : conflicting name | Creating a Transact-SQL-compatible database |
SYSCOLUMNS view : integrity | Integrity rules in the system tables |
SYSDUMMY table : permissions | Users and permissions in the system tables |
SYSFKCOL table : integrity | Integrity rules in the system tables |
SYSFOREIGNKEY table : integrity | Integrity rules in the system tables |
SYSFOREIGNKEYS view : integrity | Integrity rules in the system tables |
SYSGROUP table : permissions | Users and permissions in the system tables |
SYSGROUPS view : permissions | Users and permissions in the system tables |
SYSINDEX table : index information | Indexes in the system tables |
SYSINDEXES view : conflicting name | Creating a Transact-SQL-compatible database |
SYSINDEXES view : index information | Indexes in the system tables |
SYSINFO table : collation files | The title line |
SYSIXCOL table : index information | Indexes in the system tables |
SYSPROCAUTH view : permissions | Users and permissions in the system tables |
SYSPROCPERM table : permissions | Users and permissions in the system tables |
sysservers system table : remote servers | Creating remote servers |
SYSTABAUTH view : permissions | Users and permissions in the system tables |
SYSTABLE table : integrity | Integrity rules in the system tables |
SYSTABLE table : view information | Views in the system tables |
SYSTABLEPERM table : permissions | Users and permissions in the system tables |
system administrator : Adaptive Server Enterprise | Administrative roles |
system catalog : Adaptive Server Enterprise compatibility | System tables |
system failures : about | System and media failures |
system failures : and transactions | Transactions and data recovery |
system failures : recovery | Recovery from system failure |
system functions : tsequal | The special Transact-SQL timestamp column and data type |
system security officer : Adaptive Server Enterprise | Administrative roles |
system tables : about | Table information in the system tables |
system tables : Adaptive Server Enterprise compatibility | System tables |
system tables : and indexes | Indexes in the system tables |
system tables : character sets | The title line |
system tables : integrity | Integrity rules in the system tables |
system tables : national languages | The title line |
system tables : owner | System tables |
system tables : permissions | Users and permissions in the system tables |
system tables : SYSCOLLATION | The title line |
system tables : SYSINFO | The title line |
system tables : Transact-SQL name conflicts | Creating a Transact-SQL-compatible database |
system tables : users and groups | Users and permissions in the system tables |
system tables : views | Views in the system tables |
system views : and indexes | Indexes in the system tables |
system views : integrity | Integrity rules in the system tables |
system views : permissions | Users and permissions in the system tables |
system.ini file : network protocols | Using IPX with Windows 3.x |
SYSTRIGGER table : integrity | Integrity rules in the system tables |
SYSUSERAUTH view : permissions | Users and permissions in the system tables |
SYSUSERLIST view : permissions | Users and permissions in the system tables |
SYSUSERPERM table : permissions | Users and permissions in the system tables |
SYSUSERPERMS view : permissions | Users and permissions in the system tables |
SYSVIEWS view : view information | Views in the system tables |