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Sybase SQL Server 11.0x
Technical Overview

Written by Tanya Knoop and the
Sybase SQL Server Technical Publications Group

About This Document

The goal of this document is to introduce all of SQL Server's most important aspects--from how it's built to how you manage it. This document presents a technical foundation for understanding why Sybase and SQL Server 11 are the industry solution for RDBMS computing needs. The chapters cover the following topics:

About Sybase System 11

Sybase® System 11 builds on years of real-world experience, adding state-of-the-art features to a mature and sophisticated Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) framework. This release stands out in many ways--both for Sybase and for the database industry as a whole. System 11 not only establishes industry-wide breakthroughs for scalable performance, but it also introduces many exciting features that you won't find anywhere else. System 11 is designed to accommodate applications as they evolve. Its workload-adaptable architecture is one of the most configurable offerings on the client-server database market today.

This document gives a comprehensive technical overview of SQL Server and the System 11 features that set it apart. Some of those features are:

System 11 adds dozens of other new features which are discussed throughout this document and described in full in the SQL Server documentation set.

System 11 is High Performance and High Quality

SQL Server 11 performs well when configured as a uniprocessor or multiprocessor system. SQL Server's excellent scalability means that you can add more resources without changing your database software. For example, if you add CPUs to your production system, you can take advantage of that improved processing power and get even better performance simply by adjusting SQL Server configuration parameters.

SQL Server's record-breaking TPC-C benchmark results on industry-leading platforms (including Sun, Hewlett Packard, Digital Equipment Corp., and Compaq) demonstrate superior scalable performance. Numerous customer benchmarks validate these breakthroughs. In addition, Sybase is the first software developer in North America to receive ISO 9001 quality certification, ensuring that quality is built in to every SQL Server component.

What all this adds up to is a system that can give you a substantial competitive advantage. When you operate your business with RDBMS software, you need high performance, high efficiency, and dependability. That's why thousands of businesses choose Sybase SQL Server as the solution for their mission-critical applications.

Standards Compliance

Sybase is committed to providing open systems solutions based on widely accepted industry standards. Sybase leadership on client/server database technology and participation in standards-setting bodies has contributed to the direction that these standards have taken. However, Sybase does not hesitate to provide innovative solutions to solve customer problems where no standards exist.

Sybase System 11 inherits System 10 compliance, which met the ANSI/ISO SQL `89 (FIPS 127-1) National Institute of Standards and Technology compliance requirements and the ANSI/ISO SQL `92 entry level (FIPS 127-2). It can participate in X/OPEN X/A distributed transactions coordinated by a Transaction Processing Monitor (TP Monitor) such as CICS/6000 or Encina.

Secure SQL Server security features are designed to meet the Class C2 requirements for database management systems of the National Computer Security Center (NCSC) Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria (TCSEC), known as the "Orange Book." Secure SQL Server is designed to meet the TCSEC Class B1 requirements for database management systems as well as the International Information Technology Security Evaluation Criteria (ITSEC) Class F-B1/E3.

Global Applications

Sybase provides the following features to support international applications:

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