Access : remote data access | Microsoft Access (Microsoft 3.51.171300) |
access control : security features | Security features overview |
access modifiers : Java | A Java glossary |
access plans : cache size, effect of | Join enumeration |
access plans : reading | Reading access plans |
Adaptive Server Enterprise : compatibility | CHAPTER 30. Transact-SQL Compatibility |
adding : column data INSERT statement | Inserting values into specific columns |
administrator role : Adaptive Server Enterprise | Administrative roles |
Agent connection parameter : about | Connection parameters |
aggregate functions : about | Summarizing query results using aggregate functions |
aggregate functions : Adaptive Server Enterprise compatibility | Compatibility with Adaptive Server Enterprise |
aggregate functions : ALL keyword | Summarizing query results using aggregate functions |
aggregate functions : data types | Aggregate functions and data types |
aggregate functions : DISTINCT keyword and | Summarizing query results using aggregate functions |
aggregate functions : GROUP BY clause | Using GROUP BY with aggregate functions |
aggregate functions : Java columns | Comparing Java objects |
aggregate functions : NULL | Aggregate functions and NULL |
Aggregate functions : order by clause and | ORDER BY and GROUP BY |
aggregate functions : scalar aggregates | Where you can use aggregate functions |
aggregate functions : vector aggregates | The GROUP BY clause: organizing query results into groups |
aliases : correlation names | The FROM clause: specifying tables |
ALL keyword : aggregate functions | Summarizing query results using aggregate functions |
ALL keyword : UNION clause | The UNION operation: combining queries |
ALL permissions | Granting permissions on tables and views |
ALLOW_NULLS_BY_DEFAULT option | Setting options for Transact-SQL compatibility |
ALLOW_NULLS_BY_DEFAULT option : Open Client | Characteristics of Open Client and jConnect connections |
ALTER DATABASE statement : Java | Ways of Java-enabling a database Upgrading databases and Java |
ALTER permissions | Granting permissions on tables and views |
ALTER PROCEDURE statement : about | SQL Statements for controlling procedure replication |
ALTER PROCEDURE statement : effects | SQL Statements for controlling procedure replication |
ALTER statement : automatic commit | Using transactions |
ALTER TABLE statement : and concurrency | Data definition statements and concurrency |
ALTER TABLE statement : CHECK conditions | Using CHECK conditions on columns |
ALTER TABLE statement : examples | Altering tables |
ALTER TABLE statement : REPLICATE ON | Create the table for the primary database |
ANSI code pages : about | Code pages in Windows and Windows NT |
ANSI code pages : choosing | ANSI or OEM? |
ANSI SQL/92 standard : typical inconsistencies | Three typical types of inconsistency |
ANSI_BLANKS option : Open Client | Characteristics of Open Client and jConnect connections |
ANSI_INTEGER_OVERFLOW option : Open Client | Characteristics of Open Client and jConnect connections |
anti-phantom locks | The four types of locks |
Anywhere : Adaptive Server Anywhere | CHAPTER 30. Transact-SQL Compatibility |
APCs : function APCs | Preparing procedures and functions for replication |
APCs : Replication Server | Replicate site components |
APC_pw parameter | Configure and start the Adaptive Server Anywhere LTM |
APC_user parameter | Configure and start the Adaptive Server Anywhere LTM Asynchronous procedures |
apostrophes : SQL | Creating primary and foreign keys |
application layer : about | The application layer |
applications : deploying | CHAPTER 27. Deploying Databases and Applications Deploying client applications |
applications : deploying Embedded SQL | Deploying Embedded SQL clients |
applications : SQL | CHAPTER 9. Using SQL in Applications |
architectures : Adaptive Server | Adaptive Server architectures |
arithmetic expressions : operator precedence | Computing values in the select list |
arithmetic operations | Summarizing query results using aggregate functions |
ASA 6.0 sample : data source | Connecting using a data source |
asademo.db file : about | The sample database |
asajdbc server class | Server class asajdbc | | Deploying database servers |
asaodbc server class | Server class asaodbc |
asasrv.ini file : server information | Server name caching for faster connections |
ascending order : ORDER BY clause | The ORDER BY clause: sorting query results |
ASCII character set : about | Single-byte character sets and code pages |
ASCII format | Input and output data formats |
asejdbc server class | Server class asejdbc |
aseodbc server class | Server class aseodbc |
assumptions affecting optimization | Underlying assumptions |
asterisk (*) : SELECT statement | Selecting all columns from a table |
asynchronous procedures : about | Asynchronous procedures |
asynchronous procedures : Replication Server | Replicate site components |
AT clause : CREATE EXISTING TABLE statement | Specifying proxy table locations |
atomic compound statements | Atomic compound statements |
attaching : VM | Attaching to a VM |
attributes : choosing | Step 2: Identify the required data |
attributes : definition of | Entities |
attributes : Java | Entities and attributes in relational and object-oriented data |
attributes : SQLCA.lock | Setting the isolation level from an ODBC-enabled application |
audit trail | Converting transaction logs to SQL |
auditing : about | Auditing database activity |
auditing : comments | Adding audit comments |
auditing : dblog utility | Auditing actions outside the database server |
auditing : dbtran utility | Auditing actions outside the database server |
auditing : dbwrite utility | Auditing actions outside the database server |
auditing : example | An auditing example |
auditing : retrieving audit information | Retrieving audit information |
auditing : security features | Security features overview Auditing database activity |
auditing : turning on | Turning on auditing |
autocommit mode : JDBC | Notes on JDBC connections |
autocommit mode : performance | Turn off autocommit mode |
autocommit mode : transactions | Setting autocommit or manual commit mode |
autoexec.ncf : automatic loading | Platform-specific instructions |
autoincrement : default | The autoincrement default |
autoincrement : IDENTITY column | The special IDENTITY column |
AUTOINCREMENT : using in PowerBuilder | Primary key generation |
AUTOINCREMENT : when to use | Primary key generation |
AUTOMATIC_TIMESTAMP option | Setting options for Transact-SQL compatibility |
AUTOMATIC_TIMESTAMP option : Open Client | Characteristics of Open Client and jConnect connections |
automation : generating unique keys | Primary key generation |
AUTO_COMMIT option : Interactive SQL | Using transactions |
AUTO_COMMIT option : settings | Using transactions |
availability : database server | Running the server outside the current session |
availability : high | Using a live backup for machine redundancy |
AVG function | Summarizing query results using aggregate functions |