daemon : database server | Running the server outside the current session |
data : and locks | Using locks to ensure consistency |
data : case sensitivity | Case-sensitivity |
data : consistency | Using locks to ensure consistency Three typical types of inconsistency |
data : duplicated | How data can become invalid |
data : exporting | CHAPTER 11. Importing and Exporting Data Exporting data from a database |
data : formats | Input and output data formats |
data : importing | CHAPTER 11. Importing and Exporting Data Importing data into a database |
data : integrity and correctness | Correctness |
data : integrity and locks | Using locks to ensure consistency |
data : invalid | How data can become invalid |
data : typical inconsistencies | Typical inconsistencies |
data consistency : assuring using locks | How locking works |
data consistency : correctness | Correctness |
data consistency : dirty reads | Tutorial 1: The dirty read Three typical types of inconsistency Selecting at isolation level 0 Selecting at isolation level 1 |
data consistency : ISO SQL/92 standard | Three typical types of inconsistency |
data consistency : repeatable reads | Three typical types of inconsistency Tutorial 2 - The non-repeatable read Selecting at isolation level 1 Selecting at isolation level 2 |
data consistency : two-phase locking | Two-phase locking |
data definition : concurrency | Particular concurrency issues |
data definition language : about | CHAPTER 3. Working with Database Objects |
data definition statements : and concurrency | Data definition statements and concurrency |
data entry : and isolation levels | Typical transactions at various isolation levels |
data integrity : about | CHAPTER 14. Ensuring Data Integrity |
data integrity : column constraints | Choosing constraints |
data integrity : constraints | SQL statements for implementing integrity constraints Using table and column constraints |
data integrity : effects of unserializable schedules on | Correctness |
data integrity : overview | Data integrity overview |
data integrity : rules in the system tables | Integrity rules in the system tables |
data link layer : about | The data link layer |
data link layer : troubleshooting | Verify that the data link layer is working |
data model normalization | Step 3: Normalize the data |
data modification : permissions | Permissions for data modification |
data organization : physical | Physical data organization and access |
data recovery : and transactions | Transactions and data recovery |
data sources : about | Working with ODBC data sources |
data sources : connection strings | Connection parameters specify connections |
data sources : creating | Creating an ODBC data source |
data sources : Embedded SQL | Working with ODBC data sources |
data sources : example | Connecting using a data source |
data sources : external servers | Defining ODBC external servers |
data sources : file | Creating a File Data Source |
data sources : ODBC | Working with ODBC data sources |
data sources : UNIX | Using ODBC data sources on UNIX |
data sources : Windows CE | Using ODBC data sources on Windows CE |
data types : aggregate functions | Aggregate functions and data types |
data types : choosing | Choosing data types for columns |
data types : Java | Creating columns to hold Java objects |
data types : joins and | Data types in join columns |
data types : SQL and C | Passing parameters to external procedures and functions |
data types : supported | Configuring tables for replication |
data types : timestamp | The special Transact-SQL timestamp column and data type |
data types : UNION operation | The UNION operation: combining queries |
database access : controlling | Controlling database access |
database administrator : defined | DBA authority overview |
database administrator : roles | Administrative roles |
database design : Java | Java database design |
database design : performance | Normalize your table structure |
database file : media failure | Media failure on the database file |
database files : fragmentation | Defragment your drives |
database files : limit | Using additional dbspaces |
database files : performance | Place different files on different devices |
database files : security | Security tips |
database name : case sensitivity | Naming the server and the databases |
database name : switch | Naming the server and the databases |
database options : ALLOW_NULLS_BY_DEFAULT | Setting options for Transact-SQL compatibility |
database options : AUTOMATIC_TIMESTAMP | Setting options for Transact-SQL compatibility |
database options : Open Client | Characteristics of Open Client and jConnect connections |
database options : QUOTED_IDENTIFIER | Setting options for Transact-SQL compatibility |
database options : startup settings | Characteristics of Open Client and jConnect connections |
database server : about | CHAPTER 1. Running the Database Server |
database server : automatic starting | Platform-specific instructions |
database server : command line for Java | Starting the server for a Java-enabled database |
database server : locating | Locating a server |
database server : name caching | Server name caching for faster connections |
database server : name switch | Naming the server and the databases |
database server : NetWare | Platform-specific instructions |
database server : running in the background | Running the server outside the current session |
database server : security | Running the database server in a secure fashion |
database server : starting | First steps Starting the server |
database server : stopping | Stopping the database server Shutting down operating system sessions |
database server : switches | Some common command-line switches |
database server : Windows NT services | Running the server outside the current session |
database servers : deploying | Deploying database servers |
database servers : locating | Testing that a server can be found |
database statistics : about | Monitoring database statistics from the Windows NT Performance Monitor |
database threads : blocked | Transaction blocking and deadlock |
database utilities : and database connections | Connecting from Adaptive Server Anywhere utilities |
DatabaseFile connection parameter : about | Connection parameters |
DatabaseName connection parameter : about | Connection parameters |
databases : allocating space | Preallocating space for database files |
databases : backup | CHAPTER 20. Backup and Data Recovery |
databases : case sensitivity | Creating a Transact-SQL-compatible database Case-sensitivity |
databases : character set | Character set translation details |
databases : connecting to | CHAPTER 2. Connecting to a Database Troubleshooting connections |
databases : creating | Initializing a database |
databases : creating for Windows CE | Creating Windows CE databases from Sybase Central |
databases : deploying | Deploying databases |
databases : design concepts | Database design concepts |
databases : designing | CHAPTER 13. Designing Your Database |
databases : erasing | Erasing a database |
databases : initializing | Initializing a database |
databases : Java | Java database design |
databases : Java classes | Introduction |
databases : Java-enabling | Java-enabling a database Java-enabling a Version 6 database |
databases : joins and design | Joins and the relational model |
databases : large databases | Using additional dbspaces |
databases : loading | Loading and unloading databases |
databases : managing with Interactive SQL | Using Interactive SQL to work with database objects |
databases : multiple | Accessing multiple local databases |
databases : multiple-file | Using additional dbspaces |
databases : normalizing | Step 3: Normalize the data |
databases : permissions | CHAPTER 21. Managing User IDs and Permissions |
databases : read-only | Working with write files |
databases : recovery | CHAPTER 20. Backup and Data Recovery |
databases : replicating | Replicating an entire database |
databases : Transact-SQL compatibility | Configuring databases for Transact-SQL compatibility |
databases : unloading | Loading and unloading databases |
databases : URL | Specifying a database on a server |
databases : utility | Using the utility database |
databases : validating | Performing a full backup |
databases : verifying design | Step 5: Verify the design |
databases : working with | Working with databases |
databases : working with objects | CHAPTER 3. Working with Database Objects |
DatabaseSwitches connection parameter : about | Connection parameters |
DataSourceName connection parameter : about | Connection parameters |
DataWindows : remote data access | Accessing remote data from PowerBuilder DataWindows |
dates : entry rules | Character strings and quotation marks |
dates : procedures and triggers | Specifying dates and times in procedures |
dates : searching for | Character strings and quotation marks |
DB-Library : about | Open Clients, Open Servers, and TDS |
DB2 : remote data access | Server class db2odbc |
db2odbc server class | Server class db2odbc |
DBA : defined | DBA authority overview |
DBA authority : about | DBA authority overview |
DBA authority : granting | Granting DBA and RESOURCE authority |
DBA authority : not inheritable | Managing groups |
DBA authority : security tips | Security tips |
DBA user ID : security tip | Security tips |
DBASE format | Input and output data formats |
dbbackup utility : full backup | Performing a full backup |
dbbackup utility : incremental backup | Performing an incremental backup |
dbbackup utility : live backup | Using a live backup for machine redundancy |
DBCOLLAT utility | Creating databases with custom collations |
dbcon6.dll | ODBC driver required files Installing files for Embedded SQL clients Deploying database utilities and Interactive SQL |
dbconsol utility : network performance | Evaluating network performance |
dbconsol utility : test mode | Evaluating network performance |
dbctrs6.dll | Deploying database servers |
dbeng6.exe : deploying | Deploying database servers |
dbeng6.exe file | Introduction |
DBERASE utility | Erasing a database |
dberase utility : transaction log mirror | Erasing transaction log mirrors |
dbextf6.dll | Deploying database servers |
DBF connection parameter : about | Connection parameters |
DBF connection parameter : embedded databases | Connecting to an embedded database |
dbfile.dll | Deploying SQL Remote |
DBG connection parameter : about | Connection parameters |
dbinit utility : Java | Ways of Java-enabling a database New databases and Java |
dbjava6.dll | Deploying database servers |
dblgen6.dll | ODBC driver required files Installing files for Embedded SQL clients Deploying database servers Deploying database utilities and Interactive SQL Deploying SQL Remote |
dblib6.dll | Installing files for Embedded SQL clients |
dblog utility : auditing | Auditing actions outside the database server |
dblog utility : transaction log mirrors | Creating and dropping a transaction log mirror |
dbmapi.dll | Deploying SQL Remote |
DBN connection parameter : about | Connection parameters |
dbo user ID : Adaptive Server Enterprise | System tables |
dbodbc6.dll | ODBC driver required files |
dbodtr6.dll | ODBC driver required files |
dbping utility : using | Testing that a server can be found |
dbport6.dll | ODBC driver required files Installing files for Embedded SQL clients |
dbremote.exe | Deploying SQL Remote |
DBS connection parameter : about | Connection parameters |
dbserv6.dll | Deploying database servers |
dbsmtp.dll | Deploying SQL Remote |
dbspaces : creating | Using additional dbspaces |
dbspaces : managing | Device management |
dbspaces : maximum 12 | Using additional dbspaces |
dbsrv6.exe : deploying | Deploying database servers |
dbstop utility : permissions | Controlling permissions from the command line |
dbstop utility : using | Stopping the database server |
dbtools6.dll | Deploying database utilities and Interactive SQL Deploying SQL Remote |
dbtran utility : auditing | Retrieving audit information Auditing actions outside the database server |
dbtran utility : corrupt transaction logs | Recovering from a corrupt transaction log or mirror |
dbtran utility : transaction logs | Converting transaction logs to SQL |
dbtran utility : uncommitted changes | Recovering uncommitted changes |
dbunload utility : using | Unloading a database using DBUNLOAD |
dbupgrad utility : Java | Ways of Java-enabling a database Upgrading databases and Java |
dbvalid utility : using | Performing a full backup |
dbvim.dll | Deploying SQL Remote |
dbwrite utility : auditing | Auditing actions outside the database server |
dbwtsp6.dll | Deploying database utilities and Interactive SQL Deploying SQL Remote |
db_client_start_line function : QNX | Using QNX messages |
db_property function : about | Obtaining database statistics from a client application |
DDE protocol : starting | Selecting communications protocols |
DDL : about | CHAPTER 3. Working with Database Objects |
deadlock : transaction blocking | Transaction blocking and deadlock |
deadlocks : reasons for | Transaction blocking and deadlock |
Debug connection parameter : about | Connection parameters |
debugging : attaching to a VM | Attaching to a VM |
debugging : breakpoints | Step through source code Setting breakpoints |
debugging : breakpoints in methods | Breaking on a class method |
debugging : breakpoints with conditions | Using conditions with breakpoints |
debugging : breakpoints with counts | Using counts with breakpoints |
debugging : breakpoints with line numbers | Breaking on a line number |
debugging : debugger windows | The debugger windows |
debugging : introduction | Introduction to debugging Java |
debugging : Java compiler options | Compiling classes for debugging |
debugging : local variables | Inspecting and modifying variables |
debugging : permissions | Requirements for using the Java debugger |
debugging : requirements | Requirements for using the Java debugger |
debugging : Source window | The Source window |
debugging : stop | Breaking when execution is not interrupted |
decision support : and isolation levels | Typical transactions at various isolation levels |
DECLARE statement : compound statements | Declarations in compound statements |
DECLARE statement : procedures | Cursor management overview Default error handling in procedures and triggers |
DECLARE statement : temporary tables | Loading data that does not match the table structure |
default values : generating in PowerBuilder | Primary key generation |
defaults : autoincrement | The autoincrement default |
defaults : column | Using column defaults |
defaults : connection parameters | Using default connection parameters |
defaults : constant expressions | Constant expression defaults |
defaults : creating | Creating column defaults |
defaults : creating in Sybase Central | Working with column defaults in Sybase Central |
defaults : current date and time | Current date and time defaults |
defaults : INSERT statement and | Inserting values into specific columns |
defaults : Java | Using defaults and NULL on Java columns |
defaults : NULL | The NULL default |
defaults : string and number | String and number defaults |
defaults : Transact-SQL | Defaults and rules |
defaults : user ID | The user ID default |
defaults : with transactions and locks | Primary key generation |
definitions : isolation levels | Isolation levels and consistency |
delaying referential integrity checks | Locking during inserts |
DELETE permissions | Granting permissions on tables and views |
DELETE statement | Using the LTM |
DELETE statement : Java objects | Deleting Java objects |
DELETE statement : locking during | Locking during deletes |
DELETE statement : positioned | Modifying rows through a cursor |
DELETE statement : using | Deleting data using DELETE |
DELETE_OLD_LOGS option | Using the DELETE_OLD_LOGS option |
dependencies : of services | Service dependencies Managing service dependencies |
deploying applications | CHAPTER 27. Deploying Databases and Applications |
deployment : about | CHAPTER 27. Deploying Databases and Applications |
deployment : applications | Deploying client applications |
deployment : CD-ROM | Deploying databases on read-only media |
deployment : database servers | Deploying database servers |
deployment : databases | Deploying databases |
deployment : embedded databases | Deploying embedded database applications |
deployment : Embedded SQL | Deploying Embedded SQL clients |
deployment : file locations | Where to install files |
deployment : Interactive SQL | Deploying database utilities and Interactive SQL |
deployment : jConnect | Deploying JDBC clients |
deployment : JDBC | Deploying JDBC clients |
deployment : models for | Deployment models |
deployment : ODBC | Deploying ODBC clients |
deployment : ODBC driver | ODBC driver required files |
deployment : ODBC settings | Deploying ODBC clients Deploying connection information |
deployment : on read only media | Deploying databases on read-only media |
deployment : Open Client | Deploying Open Client applications |
deployment : overview | Deployment overview |
deployment : personal database server | Deploying personal servers |
deployment : registry settings | Deploying ODBC clients Deploying connection information |
deployment : SQL Remote | Deploying SQL Remote |
deployment : Windows CE | Windows CE deployment issues |
deployment : write files | File naming conventions |
descending order : ORDER BY clause | The ORDER BY clause: sorting query results |
describing : result sets | Describing result sets |
descriptors : about | Describing result sets |
designing databases : about | CHAPTER 13. Designing Your Database |
designing databases : concepts | Database design concepts |
designing databases : procedure | The design process |
destructors : Java | A Java glossary |
devices : managing | Device management |
DIF format | Input and output data formats |
directories : executable | Installed files |
directories : installation | Installed files |
directory structure : UNIX | UNIX deployment issues |
dirty reads : versus isolation levels | Isolation levels and consistency |
DisableMultiRowFetch connection parameter : about | Connection parameters |
disk crashes : about | System and media failures |
disk full : error writing to transaction log | Using a transaction log mirror |
disk space : allocating | Preallocating space for database files |
disk space : Java values | How Java objects are stored |
DISK statements : unsupported | Device management |
disks : fragmentation and performance | Preallocating space for database files |
disks : recovery from failure of | Recovery from media failure |
DISTINCT clause : SELECT statement | Eliminating duplicate query results |
DISTINCT keyword : aggregate functions | Summarizing query results using aggregate functions Using aggregate functions with DISTINCT |
DISTINCT keyword : Java columns | Comparing Java objects |
distributed applications : about | Creating distributed applications |
distributed applications : example | A sample distributed application |
distributed applications : requirements | Creating distributed applications |
DLLs : calling from procedures | Calling external libraries from procedures |
DMRF connection parameter : about | Connection parameters |
documentation : conventions | Documentation conventions |
dot : identifier | Java syntax in SQL statements |
dot : operator | Java syntax in SQL statements |
double quotes : character strings | Character strings and quotation marks |
DROP DATABASE statement : Adaptive Server Enterprise | Servers and databases |
DROP OPTIMIZER STATISTICS statement | Column-statistics registry |
DROP OPTIMIZER STATISTICS statement : example | Using Interactive SQL to examine query performance |
DROP statement : and concurrency | Data definition statements and concurrency |
DROP statement : automatic commit | Using transactions |
DROP TABLE statement : example | Deleting tables |
DROP TRIGGER statement : about | Dropping triggers |
DROP VIEW statement : example | Deleting views |
dsedit : using | Using the DSEDIT utility |
dsedit utility : entries | Adding a server entry |
dsedit utility : starting | Starting dsedit |
DSEDIT utility : using | Set up the Open Servers in your system |
DSN connection parameter : about | Working with ODBC data sources Connection parameters |
DSN connection parameter : Windows CE | Using ODBC data sources on Windows CE |
DUMP DATABASE statement : unsupported | Servers and databases |
DUMP TRANSACTION statement : unsupported | Servers and databases |
duplicate results : eliminating | Eliminating duplicate query results |
duplicate rows : removing with UNION | The UNION operation: combining queries |
duplicated data : as invalid data | How data can become invalid |
Dynamic scroll cursors : about | Types of cursor |
DYNAMIC SCROLL cursors : troubleshooting | Cursor management overview |